
Purelist offers a simple, cost effective and efficient way to ensure that your email data is clean and free of unwanted and malicious email addresses. All orders are processed in real-time through our secure online interface and all of your email data and reports are stored in your dedicated Purelist account. To get started, simply setup your account, purchase credits, and start cleaning your email lists in a matter of minutes!


Below is a detailed description of how our entire process works. There are 7 steps we use when cleaning and scrubbing email addresses.

  • 1Remove duplicates, improperly formatted email addresses and syntax errors.
  • 2Removal of “Role Account” emails, such as: sales@, support@, info@, etc.
  • 3Keyword Scrub – We remove words like spam, junk, abuse, etc. from the list of emails.
  • 4Bounce File Compare – We have a list of 100+ million hard bounces and we remove these emails from your list when we run a compare. This incudes emails which have sent a challenge response or requested removal.
  • 5Complainers File – We compare our complainers file to your list of emails and remove any matches. We also remove emails if they are a member of Spamcop. 
  • 6Domains – We run a compare and remove any spam seed, BOT, honeypot, black list or bogus emails/domains from your list of email address domains. The list we own and maintain is approximately 156,000+ domains.
  • 7Throwaway, disposable email addresses – We remove all temporary and junk collector email addresses. These email addresses are usually implemented for a one time use to sign up or to bypass providing a valid, primary email address.

Once your uploaded email list has been processed, you will be provided with a clean list, filtered list and report showing all of the details of your Purelist order.

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